Childrens day in Erzsebetliget
Childrens day in Erzsebetliget
The Childrens day was in Sunday in 29th May 2016. Erzsebetliget is located in the 16th district in North Pest. It can be accessed from Örs Vezér square to Veres Péter street. Formerly it was a Russian military camp. There are some residential areas there, also an operating theatre, a college and huge trees. There is a swimming pool as well. Many programs organized here during the year. On Childrens day I was little suprized though how many people were there.
There are huge trees there
There are some really huge oak tress as well
Strudel is a popular Hungarian sweet with different fillings
Fun in the rubber bubbles
There was a bungee jumping like thing with ropes as well, see behind
This is the entrance of the Erzsebetliget theatre and the temporary stage for concerts at right
Erzsebetliget address: Budapest, Hunyadvár u. 43/b, 1165