Margaret island theater boat schedule
Margaret island theater boat schedule
There is an interesting option in Budapest summer festival. An Open air theatre is held in Margaret island (and normally at Varosmajor street at Buda side), and Mahart has a theater boat for approximately 3.4 Eur to go to the island and back after 20 minutes of the end of the performance. With the Summer festival card can get 20% discount. The theater boat usually goes 5 times a day to the Margaret island. In the theatre breaks can be bought ticket just for the back route for half of the price.
The boat starts from the following locations:
– Vigado square at Pest side (Port No5)
– Batthanyi square Buda side facing the Parliament building at Metro No 2 (red line) (Port No1)
– Drava street (Port No2) – From Dozsa Gy square (Metro No 3 (blue line)) approximately 10 minutes walk to Danube direction
The boats arrive at
-Margaret island water tower and open air stage
Tickets can be bought at
1065 Bp., Nagymező u. 68. Open air theatre ticket office
at boat stations only the boat ticket can be bought
Szuperjegy 75 contains boat and theatre ticket as well
Open air ticket office telephone: +36-1-301-0147
Mahart telephone: +36-1-484-4013 (MAHART)
More information of the Budapest Summer festival here: