Romai beach Budapest
Romai beach Budapest

Romai beach Budapest
Romai beach Budapest
The Romai beach Budapest can be found in beautiful natural surrounding in North Buda near to the area also called Romai bank. In three sides huge plane trees bordering the huge beach area. The opposite side of the beach entrance, the entrance of the neighboring camping can be found. The area has a very nice, premium quality atmosphere. There are many open baths in Budapest: The Palatinus at the Margaret island, the Romai, the Csepeli, the Csillaghegyi, the Punkosdfurdoi and the Paskal. The most popular is the Palatinus at the Margaret island. People in Budapest mostly goes this beaches in summer heat of 30 degree Celsius and higher. In this weather the Palatinus is quite crowded. Many people there. If you don’t like the crowd perhaps the Romai is quite nice, here usually not so many people. Much more people here at weekends than weekdays. One drawback is that here are no thermal water pools like in many other places. There are many slides and a well equipped playground as well for kids. The green area is huge and nice, there is a room for everything.
1031 Budapest, Rozgonyi Piroska u. 2.
(1) 388 9740
Opening hours
9-20h 19h cash desk closing
There are three pools here:
the children’s pool area is 280m2, the water tempreature is 30 degree Celsius, the average depth is 35cm, the swimming pool has 600 m2 area, 33m long, 21-22 Celsium cold swimming water with 1.5m depth, the biggest beach pool has 1400 m2 area with a 26-27 degree Celsius water, the average depth is 1 m here.
Other services:
slides 5 total, catering services, Sauna, Steam, ping-pong tables, football (soccer) fields
Website: beach website At the top of the page little right can switch the language to English or German.
What is missing
No thermal water pool there. There are saunas though.
Things to do nearby
In case you go so far, perhaps the Romai bank of the Danube must not miss in summer. This is a very nice place with huge trees, restaurants, live music in the evenings. Just behind the bath at East direction all the way. The bank area is several km long and is a very popular place in Budapest. Several place can be also found here to rent a canoe for example together with different kinds of playgrounds.